It’s not always rainbows and butterflies running a business where your team + family needs you to be:1) On your best work game2) The best version of yourself so that you can be who they need you to be AND3) An untriggerable leaderBut it could be.In a world that needs present, energetically untouchable leaders to pave the way... it is not evolutionarily beneficial for said leaders to have an empty battery, slow decision making process, or to be cut off from their own magic.If you want to make more, create better, & stress less...walk with me for a second ⬇️

Your business is doing well, I know it.But there's a piece of you that wonders if it can be better. If maybe you've been complacent and doing things "the way they've always been done" while sacrificing pieces of yourself to do it.You long for 20% more peace & to experience the raw magic you felt at the beginning of your entrepreneurial days again.

Your next level of life + moolah looks something like this:

  • Laying in bed at night feeling like you lit the world on fire

  • Making intuitive decisions under pressure that feel as smooth as saying ‘yes’ to champagne at a luxury spa

  • Smothering your S/O in kisses the second they walk through the door at the end of the day because for the first time in years you actually have the mental space to be there with them in that moment

  • Tripling your retention rates because your clients realize they can’t afford to NOT be in your aura orbit

The only thing getting in the way?Not being able to see the energy crusty-dusties in your business like I can because you’re too close.I know how it goes…

  • The more work on your plate, the less space you have, the heavier your creative anxiety gets

  • The more you sell, the more you start to worry if you need a contingency plan or if it’ll actually continue to stay this good

  • The more back-door, identity shifting decisions you make for yourself, the less you get to celebrate them because it feels like no one around you really understands what it took from you to do something that f*cking big

  • The hairier your goals, the more you doubt if it actually gets to be that good for you or if you’re being selfish ( gets to be even better than what you’re currently imagining)

  • The bigger your business gets, the louder your echo chamber of 1 gets

  • The more decisions you have to make, the slower you are to make them because you’re terrified to make the wrong one

Nah uh...Not in my world.Your next level isn't on the other side of doing more or locking down the next ingenuitive funnel that's going to put a shit ton more work on your plate...It's on the other side of you learning how to bottle your magic again.To trust your intuition.To be completely neutral around what your competitors are doing.To harness creative SOPs that help you write the book, program, or Ted Talk even with a full calendar.To stay committed to the vision no matter what & make million dollar decisions under pressure that bring it to life.

This is what you’ll experience with me:...

  • Lightening-in-a-bottle type creativity every day, on repeat

  • Dissolve self-induced stress so that you can be totally present with your family, clients, & team at all hours of the day

  • End your days (even the ones that are crazy) feeling 10x more enjoyment in the level of work you did

  • Play at a bigger table & actually win at it because you didn’t crumble under the stake pressure

  • Have a relationship with the energy flow in your body so that you can make recession-proof type moves that no one in your industry will ever be able to match

  • Compound your results because you have a place to celebrate + be seen for them

  • Have your community throwing money at you because they can’t stand not being in your orbit

  • Flying out of bed in the morning with raw passion instead of battling an exhaustion hangover from the past 5 years

  • Have absolutely DELICIOUS launches that make you wonder why launching ever was a stressor in the first place

  • Challenge & literally destroy any income setpoints you have because strategy isn't what's blocking them

A 10 week private coaching intensive...that isn't for the faint of heart -

I created "The Spa" because there's room for unadulterated levels of satisfaction in business. And I'm tired of seeing coaches, entrepreneurs, solo-p's, and creators sacrifice pieces of themselves that are actually blocking bigger results.No more of that.I can show you how to bottle your own flavor of magic on repeat while expanding your business results.You know when you get done working out and it feels like your whole body is tingling with loads of adrenaline because you moved it so perfectly?Imagine your business feeling that good every day...

What the container looks like...

Step 1: You Bring Your Blocks & Your Desires

You bring your business, energy blocks, fears, resistance, unmade decisions, feelings, emotions, new projects, team hires & satisfaction.I've had clients hire me in the past because they were working on a new Golden Egg program and wanted my support in getting the energy right on it.

Step 2: I Bring The Magic In a Bottle

I’ll run a full, comprehensive breakdown of your Human Design chart, where I’ll teach you how your unique energy is working behind the scenes in your business. With 5 years of experience in business coaching, neuroenergetics, EFT, Human Design/Gene Keys, and building a wildly successful business of my own…I can see where you’ve been functioning insufficiently for years (maybe even decades) but have gotten away with it because no one taught you how to trust your body + mind to move better. I can also tell you where you’ve been functioning perfectly so that you can fully trust those skills as your recession-proof 6th sense.

Step 3: We Exfoliate & Rejuvenate Your Million Dollar Energy

As we clean this energy out & lean into newfound strengths, you’ll release previously stored energy which is the Red Bull Elixir to Life & Moolah that you’ve been missing. Stress less. Live better. Make more.

Step 4: Repeat At A High Level for 4 Weeks

We’ll spend 4 weeks acclimating to this newfound magic together through conversational coaching, mindset upgrades, EFT, stretch challenges, human design & more. You get a safe space to plug in & celebrate tf out of the level of work you’re doing because I’ve been there, I get it, & celebrating those results is going to be the reason you're able to compound them.

Step 5: Do Life Together

Life is not going to stop for us to do this work. I'll match you step for step in it all.

What's included?

  • 4 weeks of voice/message mentorship via WhatsApp utitlizing any/all of my skills as a coach (M-Th)

  • Full, personalized Human Design support and breakdown

  • Credit to upgrade into long-term 1:1 at the end of the container

Uploading Your Future...

Hey, I'm Hayden!

I'm a holistic business coach bringing the magic back to 5/6/& 7 figure businesses around the world.I used to coach for a massive business agency where I worked with wildly successful coaches, creatives, CEOs & solo-p's who built their business...By sacrificing so many pieces of themselves to do so.You're not here to just do more.You're here to have it better. Period. Point blank.Since leaving that agency years ago, I've committed the entirety of my work + personal craft to helping CEO's dial their satisfaction all the way up, while turning the stress all the way down.No one brings the unique blend of conventional coaching, EFT, human design, delusion & neuroenergetics to business the way I do.Not to mention, I am a Jetpack of Energy. My clients tell me daily that I bring what they're not yet able to.Don't worry, I'll let you borrow my power when we work together, too 😉This has taken me years to master - and you'll get everything I have in 10 weeks.